Božiček in dedek Mraz v Češminovem parku Domžale

Tudi letos bo Občina Domžale, da pridni otroci ne bodo ostali brez zasluženih daril ob koncu leta. Še več, uspelo se jim je dogovoriti tako z Božičkom kot z dedkom Mrazom, da jih obiščeta kar skupaj. Glede na to, da so lani domžalski gasilci Božička reševali s strehe konstrukcije v parku, kamor je priletel in da se je dedek Mraz pripeljal na kočiji s poniji in v sprevodu z Godbo Domžale, bo podobno atraktivno gotovo tudi letos.
Da ju bodo domžalski otroci na ta dan lažje pričakali, bodo poskrbeli v Kulturnem društvu Mlin Radomlje, ki bo tudi letos poskrbel za krajšo igrico pred prihodom obeh dobrih mož. Potem pa … pustimo se presenetiti, a gotovo bosta Božiček in dedek Mraz poskrbela za vse otroke, ki se bodo sprejema udeležili. Na uho nam je celo prišlo, da bosta delila nekaj zdravih in nekaj sladkih daril ter celo posebno svetleče darilo. Skratka, povabljeni prav vsi v Domžale v Češminov park, ki bo na ta dan praznično zažarel in razveselil vse otroke in njihove starše.

Father Christmas and Santa Clause in Češmin Park in Domžale

The Municipality of Domžale will make sure that all the good children get their well-deserved gifts also at the end of this year. What’s more they have managed to make an agreement with both Father Christmas and Santa Clause, for them to visit together. Taking into consideration that last year the Domžale fire fighters had to rescue Father Christmas from the roof of the construction in the park on which he had landed and as additional excitement, Santa Clause arrived in a pony drawn carriage accompanied by the Domžale Brass Band, we can expect it to be similarly sensational this year.
So that children will more easily be able to await the arrival of the two good men, The Cultural Association Mlin Radomlje will organise a shorter play again this year. Then … be ready to get surprised. Father Christmas and Santa are going to take care of all the children who will be present for their arrival. We have also heard that they will giving out some healthy and some sweet gifts, as well as a special shiny gift. All in all you are all more than welcome in Češmin Park in Domžale, which will shine brightly in all its festivity and bring joy to all the children and their parents.

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… da je bilo nekoč, predvsem v 19. stoletju, v Ihanu več delujočih kamnolomov in skrilolomov? S pridobivanjem in obdelavo »Ihanskega marmorja« se je preživljal dobršen del prebivalstva.
Ljubljanska c.70
1230 Domžale
T: 01 / 721 07 26
T: 01 / 721 07 26