Božičkov tek je nekaj posebnega, saj tečemo v božičkovih kapicah, se pri tem zabavamo in zbiramo denarna sredstva za dober namen. Letos bomo tekli za Dom upokojencev Domžale za nakup nadgradnje motomeda oz. prilagojenega sobnega kolesa.
Božiček, vesoljček Izzy, hrošček Simon in ostali junaki bodo poskrbeli za otroški tek in nagradne igre, godba Domžale pa za lahek korak odraslih, ki bodo tekli ali hodili na 5 , 8 ali 11 km. Tekaška pot bo čarobna, saj jo bomo osvetlili z lampijoni in tako ustvarili pravo božično vzdušje.
V cilju vas bo čakal topel čaj, kuhano vino in seveda torta. Bodi faca, pridi in teci z božičkom za dober namen.
Our Charity Christmas run is something special because we run wearing Santa hats, we have a great time and we raise money for charity. This year, we are running in aid of The Retirement Home in Domzale (Dom upokojencev Domzale) and raising money for an adapted indoor bike.
Santa Claus, alien Izzy, Simon the bug and other heroes will take care of the children’s run and fun games with rewards; Domzale orchestra will cheer on the adults who will be able to choose between running or walking for 5, 8 or 11km. The track will be magical as we are lighting it up with paper lanterns and creating a true Christmas spirit.
At the finish line hot tea and mulled wine will await you… followed by some delicious cake! Be cool, come and run with Santa; it’s for a great cause!
Our Charity Christmas run is something special because we run wearing Santa hats, we have a great time and we raise money for charity. This year, we are running in aid of The Retirement Home in Domzale (Dom upokojencev Domzale) and raising money for an adapted indoor bike.
Santa Claus, alien Izzy, Simon the bug and other heroes will take care of the children’s run and fun games with rewards; Domzale orchestra will cheer on the adults who will be able to choose between running or walking for 5, 8 or 11km. The track will be magical as we are lighting it up with paper lanterns and creating a true Christmas spirit.
At the finish line hot tea and mulled wine will await you… followed by some delicious cake! Be cool, come and run with Santa; it’s for a great cause!